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Monday, September 17, 2012


 What's on your priority list? Or better yet WHO is on your list? Have you ever felt like you were last on someones list? So who's wrong? Them for neglecting you, or is it you for making them a priority when maybe they shouldn't be? Do you over extend yourself and give too much out; then never have enough for yourself or the people closest to you who need it most? Do you spend more time on Facebook and social media then you do with God, your family, or closest friends? Have you run out of things to talk about with your best friend because, they have already read your life on status updates? Where is your energy going and your time being spent... where are your priorities?
"Oh yeah! I know... I already saw that on Facebook."
That used to be the center of too many conversations with me and my best friend. Kendra, my best friend, is like a sister to me and I remember the days when I had a pager and carried payphone money around. Then, if she paged me I would have to make the effort and call her. This usually warranted for face to face time which included some of the best in-depth discussions about nothing and everything. How did that get replaced by "oh yeah... I already saw that on Facebook?”  And evenings on the couch not talking to each other, but instead, on our phones trolling through other people's lives. 
Priorities. That's how.
Now... I'm not saying Facebook and social media is a bad thing, I'm not... but I do believe it has a tendency to replace some much needed REAL human interaction. That is IF you don't have your properties straight. See, I didn't. And I was spending too much time social networking that I didn't feel like I was living in the real world anymore. Sounds so crazy huh? But it happens so easily if you don't have your priorities straight.
Me and Kendra both realized that social media usage had become too much of a priority in our lives. So we decided to do a 30 day fast of it and see what happened. I have to tell you, it has been the most glorious 30 days of my life.  I was impressed at how much more often me and Kendra actually talked to each other and how much less distracted our time together was. No more did we have our phones in hand at every turn. We spend quality time together like best friends should.  I also noticed an increase in my relations with ALL my friends and family.  We HAD to communicate with each other, they couldn’t just log onto the blue page and get caught up. To get in touch with me you would have to text me, email me, or better yet call me.  I had forgotten how nice it was to just have a phone conversation. So much that I hesitated to go back to Facebook, and had even become pretty overzealous in saying I never would.  Part of me doesn’t really want to, but then I realized that it is MY fault that social media became such a nuisance and that I had to re-align my priorities and not ALLOW it to be such a distraction. 
One way I have learned to keep my priorities in check is the “Lego” theory.  Let me break it down for you.
For example:
A Lego has SIX pegs. So, on each peg I have one priority.
2) Peg one is reserved for my future husband, and in the meantime I spend time in prayer with God that he guard my heart until the right person he has made for me comes along.
3) Peg two is reserved for my family.
4) Peg three reserved for my ministry.
5) Peg four is for my training and working out.
6) Peg five is reserved for my other close personal friends; it’s kind of a revolving door of time spent between 3-4 different buddies.
7) Peg six is reserved for my work. 

And of course the "Lego" itself sits in Jesus’s hands, as He is the center of everything.
See, there is only so much room on my Lego and those spots are like VIP/Priority....  anyone else, especially Vampires (people who suck the life out of you) they have my love because I choose to love like Jesus, but they are not on my Lego. Therefore not taking priority in my life and preventing me from over promising myself and getting overwhelmed, or allowing vampires in.  I am able to fill my life with light and truth and not darkness and lies.  You noticed that I numbered my pegs 2-7 didn’t you? That’s because my number ONE is and always will be God. He is bigger than my Lego.
My dad always tells me it takes 30 days to make something a habit. So for 30 days I “fasted” Facebook. And it amazed me at how much this simple act of obedience helped me in re-aligning ALL my priorities in life.  Not just in wasting time on things such as social media but just how I look at human interaction as a whole.  And most importantly, making God my number ONE priority at all times with all things.
Where is your time being spent? What are your priorities in life? Perhaps you need a re-alignment as I did? Leave a comment, or send an email would love to hear your thoughts!

Romans 12:2 ESV
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect
Matthew 6:33 NIV
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness this is so good and so true!!!!! I love the Lego approach to priorities. Just awesome. :)
