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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Power Of Words

On the way to work this morning I heard something on the radio that really resonated with me…”A persons words, when they truly believe them about you, you also believe them.” It’s funny too because in class last night we were discussing the power of words. So of course I began to feel connected to the topic and began relating deeply and replaying certain situations from my life. I think all too ...often we as humans underestimate the power of our words and our opinions. There are two sides to it, as with everything, a positive and a negative.

Picture this, a man who truly believes a woman is a bad person, unworthy, and un-loved…begins to express these feelings verbally to her. She sees that he believes these things then she also begins to see herself this way. She believes she is un-lovable, worthless, and generally a horrible person. Once you view yourself in such negative light and actually believe what someone else says you can get trapped. Now had he taken the time to come to the root of why he “believes” these things, paused for even a second to look inside himself and then at her before speaking, these powerful words would not have done so much damage.

Now looking at the positive… Picture this, a woman who sees her best friend for her heart, sees the light in her, and sees how she has been hurt by damaging words. She begins to speak the truth to her. Telling her she is worthy, beautiful, a good person, reassures her that she is loved not only by her,  but by the most important person…JESUS! This woman sees how her best friend BELIEVES these things about her and thus begins to believe them too. Then a transformation begins to happen, a woman who once believed herself to be no better than the scum on the bottom of a rock begins to see herself as a light as bright as the sun.

I can’t stress it enough people! WORDS ARE POWERFUL! Be mindful, be thoughtful, and seek after the truth and understanding before opening your mouth. Love like Jesus and rid yourself of any and ALL VAMPIRES in your life speaking damaging words to you.


Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Jes. You will always be a bright shining light in my life!!
